About Me

I’ve started this blog as a New Year resolution for 2012 – to do something more with my love of baking and cooking in general. I’ll post as often as I can, provided I have baked or cooked something worthy of showing to you. I love baking cakes, cupcakes, muffins biscuits, tarts, pies and slices.

The majority of things I bake are dependent on my loving partner Daniel’s tastebuds and what he feels like, so you may see a repetitive pattern of chocolate cake, cupcakes and brownies (these are his favourites).

My main baking aspiration comes from my Gran, as a child I was in awe of how easy she made baking look, weighing out ingredients, mixing them together , placing them in the oven and in what seemed like minutes there was a delicious treat cooling on the bench. I will put as many of her recipes in here as I can.

My main cooking aspiration has come from my Dad and my Step-Dad, seeing them create beautiful dinners every night has made me want to do the same. Although a fan of cooking something from a packet on busy days there is something so wonderful and warming about a meal cooked from scratch.

 Feel free to comment or make suggestions. I can’t wait to share this scrumptious and delicious journey with you.

 Sonia x

One thought on “About Me

  1. Are you on Twitter? I’ve sent the page to Twitter just in case. I’m a cyber friend of your granddad & grandma back in the UK, and you very proud Granddad told me all about how good you are at creating your wonderful baking. Keep up the good work. Regards, Phyllis

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